Mon, Apr 26, 21

Magnesium L-Threonate Benefits And Supplements

There's exciting news in the field of nootropics. We already knew how essential magnesium, the 'Master Mineral,' is for our physical health. It demonstrates effectiveness as an antidepressant, anti-stress, and anti-anxiety supplement, as well as a protector of our brain cells. But as magnesium supplements don't easily cross the blood-brain barrier, their benefits were limited. Now for the exciting news - magnesium L-threonate may solve that issue and provide us with brand new advantages. 

Related:  Mental Acuity: A Guide to Staying Mentally Sharp 

What is Magnesium L-Threonate

Magnesium L-threonate is the newest magnesium chelate. Magnesium supplements are often chelated, which means that the magnesium molecules are bonded to another molecule. It makes the magnesium supplement more bioavailable and stable. It's a good thing. 

This newest chelate was developed by a team of researchers at MIT, who have patented it. Magnesium L-threonate is easily absorbed and able to enter the brain, where it may reverse the aging in our brains. It has already been shown to help adults with sleep disorders, anxiety, and cognitive dysfunction. The reason this is such an exciting development is the discovery of a nine-year brain age reversal in people who were given the supplements! 

How it works

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Most people do not get enough magnesium for their health needs, and many medications we take, make the situation even worse. But brains need magnesium for optimal functionality. 

Here are some of the conditions improved with magnesium:

  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Dementia
  • Acute Brain Injury
  • Addictions
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Depression
  • Seizures
  • Schizophrenia
  • Anxiety
  • Attention Disorders

Most of the magnesium you take in can be found in the blood, not in the brain. So its benefit to us is limited. 

Magnesium L-threonate works in three fantastic ways:

  1. It readily crosses the blood-brain barrier
  2. It may increase BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) protein, which may boost the development of new brain cells.
  3. It increases neuro-plasticity. This is the ability of our brains to grow and change. 

Brain Preserver

As we age, our brains shrink due to the slow reduction of brain cells and synapses. Not surprisingly, this negatively affects brain function in big ways. Synapses are the small space between neurons where the electric impulse from one neuron passes to the next. This is how our brain cells transfer information from one to the other. A neuron may have thousands of synapses. The reduction of synapses is a strong indicator of cognitive decline. 

Researchers have found that the key to stopping cognitive decline is to prevent the loss of synapses and to enhance their density. Magnesium L-threonate increases the available magnesium in the brain, which improves the density of neuro-synapses.  

Related: These Foods Will Give Your Brain More Power

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The Research

Studies have been carried out on mature people (50 years to 70 years old) already suffering from cognitive impairment - memory, anxiety, and sleep problems. The participants were given either a placebo or a dose of 1,500 mg to 2,000 mg of magnesium L-threonate for a 12-week period. 

Researchers gave cognitive tests in 6-week increments. Participants were tested on working memory, attention, executive function, and episodic memory (memory of an experience).

In participants who were taking magnesium L-threonate, researchers found:

  • A significant increase of magnesium was found in the body, as demonstrated by increased red blood cell count and a high amount of magnesium in the urine.  
  • When we experience worse brain function on some days than on others, it is a sign of cognitive decline. But the participants had little negative fluctuation in their cognitive function. 
  • More than no fluctuation, researchers found that participants had significant increases in brain function. Their executive function performance speeds and mental processing were greatly increased. For some, these improvements happened as early as week six. By week 12, all participants are dramatically improved cognitive development in the tested areas. 
  • The most exciting finding was that the overall brain ages for participants were reversed.     

Brain Age

What is brain age? Brain age has to do with cognitive function rather than your chronological age. Physiological metrics and mental performance are considered when determining brain age. For the studies mentioned above, the participants were chronically aged 57.8 years old (average), but their average brain age was 68.3 years. This was due to the self-reported cognitive decline. 

Of the participants taking the supplement, there was a decrease in brain age from an average of 69.6 years to 60.9 years at the end of the six weeks. By the end of the study (week 12), their brain age had been further reduced by a total of 9.4 years. This is nearly a decade of brain age reversal!  

Age Regenerator

woman reading a book


A younger brain is the inevitable result of more magnesium. It has long been understood that magnesium in the brain will increase synaptic density and neuro-plasticity

  • Synaptic density: The denser the synapses, the more efficient the cognitive processing.
  • Neuro-plasticity: This has to do with the brain's ability to be flexible, grow, and reorganize. Neuro-plasticity is how we can learn, change, and adapt to our environment.   

With all of the good that magnesium does for the brain, you might think that a high-quality supplement should be more than enough. But one study revealed that increasing the magnesium level in your blood by 300% will only raise your brain's levels by 19%. This is because of the blood-brain barrier. The value of a magnesium supplement that can easily pass through this barrier cannot be overstated. 

Choosing a Good Supplement

Magnesium L-threonate (MgT) has also been found to reduce anxiety in animals by decreasing the number of generalized fear-based memories. A result we may see in humans as well. 

Are you ready to give it a try? Here are a few tips to ensure you find the best MgT supplements on the market:

  • Look for Magnesium L-Threonate on the label. Magnesium alone isn't the same.
  • A daily dose of 1,500 mg to 2,000 mg is recommended.
  • Although many say 1,500 mg on the label, this dosage is usually spread over 3 capsules. 
  • A 2,000 mg dose of MgT will consist of 144 mg of magnesium
  • There are many generic forms of MgT, but you can also look for a brand name called Magtein. 
  • If you're on medication, check with your doctor before taking MgT. It interacts with many prominent drugs.

Related: Brain Boosting Supplements: How to Choose the Right One for You

The only reported side effects of this supplement are drowsiness, headaches, and a sensation of increased blood flow to the brain. There may also be a mild laxative effect. These side effects may be well-worth the enormous benefit to preserve your brain and live a more fulfilling life

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