How to Get Rid of Brain Fog: Tips and Tricks
* Verified by a US-based board-certified doctor.
Have you found yourself unable to concentrate, recall something important, or get motivated? You're probably suffering from what is commonly referred to as brain fog. So what exactly is brain fog, and what causes this condition?
First and foremost, brain fog is not recognized as a medical condition. While it can be a symptom of an underlying medical issue, it's often the result of poor diet, lack of exercise, and insufficient sleep. Sudden and persistent brain fog can significantly affect our mood and stress levels, especially when it drags down our productivity. This can be very frustrating. That's why we've put together this handy guide to help you make the necessary changes to prevent and overcome brain fog.
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What Is Brain Fog?
Let’s take a deeper look into what brain fog is. Brain fog is not a medical condition, but it causes us to have fuzzy, unclear thoughts that lead to a frustrating state of mind. Brain fog can prevent us from concentrating on important work and life tasks, which can be detrimental to our mental state in its own way.
Since brain fog isn't a medical condition, there are no official symptoms, but most commonly, we think of it as not operating at our peak mental state. Brain fog can be caused by many things that you may not think about every day.
What Causes Brain Fog?
Many things could cause your brain fog. From medical conditions such as depression or thyroid issues to poor diet and lack of sleep. Here are some others that you may not have considered:
- Vitamin deficiencies - Diet is one of the most important factors when it comes to mental health. A diet that lacks key vitamins like B9 and B12, can lead to hazy cognitive problems.
- Anemia - Anemia is a condition caused by insufficient healthy red blood cells. Insufficient B vitamins sometimes trigger this condition.
- Sleeping disorders - Poor sleep quality is perhaps the biggest cause of brain fog as our minds usually need about eight hours of sleep of quality sleep with REM cycles. Disorders like sleep apnea or insomnia can cause unbearable brain fog.
- Stress - Stress quickly causes us to fatigue and can lead to anxiety and trouble sleeping. Those who report brain fog often include that they are stressed as well.
- Food Sensitivity - Sensitivity or allergy to food can cause brain fog, and some switch to diets such as a gluten-free diet.
What Does Brain Fog Feel Like?
People report brain fog in different ways. Some of the top symptoms that people report as "brain fog" include problems with their memory, concentration, focus, information processing, problem-solving, trouble finding words, lower hand-eye coordination, and others.
Brain fog can feel slightly different to everyone, and there are different degrees of it. The sluggish, fuzzy feeling is unpleasant because we can’t complete seemingly simple tasks.
How To Get Rid of Brain Fog?
Below are some of the best ways to get rid of your brain fog. Like we will mention, if you are experiencing severe symptoms, it is best to see a medical professional to clear things up. But after following these tips, your brain fog will most likely be gone!

Lack of exercise contributes significantly to poor health. Studies have shown that a lack of exercise can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure. These conditions can lead to stress and sleep deprivation, which can trigger or contribute to brain fog.
Meanwhile, regular exercise has been shown to increase mental functions, such as memory and thinking. Studies have suggested that people who exercise regularly have improved brain function, including an abundance of new brain cells.
Studies have shown that an acute lack of sleep, otherwise known as sleep deprivation, can have a host of adverse effects on your health. Some of the most common symptoms of sleep deprivation include sluggishness, fatigue, and memory problems – issues we associate with brain fog.
While it depends on your lifestyle, combating sleep deprivation is as easy as getting enough sleep at night. Experts agree that seven to nine hours of sleep is necessary for healthy brain function. Of course, not everyone can sleep soundly through the night, especially if they work multiple jobs. If that’s the case, it’s recommended that you supplement your sleep with a midday nap, but not more than 20 minutes.
While 20 minutes may seem too short to be of benefit, experts agree that napping too much can adversely affect your health. These adverse effects can be as mild as feeling tired upon waking to more severe issues like insomnia when attempting to sleep at night. Also, take care as not to sleep more than necessary; sleeping too much can affect your health as much as sleeping too little, increasing your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and depression.

One of the leading causes of health problems is a poor or unbalanced diet. A diet heavy in unhealthy products such as processed food, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners is a recipe for brain fog. Fortunately, there is a multitude of foods that promote healthy brain function. These foods include spinach, eggs, salmon, avocado, and celery. By contrast, the foods and additives regarded as among the worst for your brain health include the following:
Artificial sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are known for being a low-calorie alternative to natural sugar, but their harmful effects outweigh the benefit of low-calorie sweetness. One of the most controversial sweeteners is aspartame, which, when ingested, breaks down into three chemical compounds. These compounds cross the blood-brain barrier and damage brain cells. The results of aspartame toxicity include headaches, mental confusion, lack of balance, and numbness. Worse yet, methanol, a byproduct of aspartame, becomes formaldehyde, which has been proven to be carcinogenic and neurotoxic. Therefore, artificial sweeteners are best avoided altogether.

Alcohol contains sulfites, histamines, gluten, and ethanol, which contribute to brain fog, and in some people, allergic reactions. Further, alcohol inhibits the circadian rhythms and melatonin production, preventing you from getting a full night's rest. This can contribute to sleep deprivation.
Vitamins and Supplements
While exercise and a balanced diet can do a lot for your overall health, a necessary component often overlooked is the inclusion of vitamins in your diet. For proper brain health, especially for combating brain fog, it’s recommended to make vitamin D and B complex, and Omega 3 fish oil a regular part of your diet.
Among other essential vitamins, these vitamins can be found in a variety of supplements, including multivitamin capsules and powders. However, these supplements are often incomplete, so a more focused supplement is usually the better option. One such option is Magic Mind, the world’s first productivity drink.
Magic Mind is a vitamin supplement drink designed for long-term cognitive function improvement, increased energy, and lower stress.
Magic Mind holds a critical advantage over other supplement powders and beverages. It contains all-natural ingredients with proven benefits to your health, including ceremonial grade matcha, Lion’s Mane mushrooms, Bacopa Monnieri, turmeric curcumin, Ashwagandha, and Rhodiola Rosea. These ingredients, and others, work to boost your energy, increase your focus, sharpen memory, and decrease stress and inflammation. It even helps promote blood flow to your brain during the day, so you can get a night of deeper sleep at night.
Meditation has been a common practice around the world for millennia and for a good reason. Meditation has been proven to have a multitude of benefits to our brains. For example, it has been found that regular meditation enlarges the prefrontal cortex, shrinks the amygdala, thickens the hippocampus, increases overall brain matter, and enhances high-amplitude gamma brainwave activity. What that all means is that the critical parts of your brain responsible for rational decision-making, emotional control, awareness, and overall brain function benefit from the practice. By meditating, you're improving your brain function, which can help prevent brain fog.
Visit Your Doctor
So far, we've discussed combating brain fog through a change in diet, including vitamin supplements, regular exercise, and meditation. If issues associated with brain fog persist, there may be a more significant issue at hand. If that's the case, it's best to consult a doctor to learn the exact cause.
Should you choose to visit the doctor’s office, it’s best to know what to expect. In the case of chronic brain fog, you can expect to have your thyroid function examined, and your phospholipid and omega levels tested. Your doctor may even order a PET or SPECT exam to scan your cells and your oxygen intake levels, and signs of brain inflammation. With these scans, your doctor can also look for signs of Alzheimer's and dementia, strokes, head trauma, chemical exposure, Lyme disease, and drug toxicity -- all of which can cause brain fog. While this may seem scary, with a doctor's help, you should learn the root cause of your brain fog, overcome it, and continue down your path of healthy living and improvement.
Closing Thoughts
Brain fog is a frustrating ordeal that everyone faces at some point. Fortunately, it's relatively easy to overcome with a few healthy changes in our lifestyle. By getting enough sleep, regular exercise, and eating a balanced diet, brain fog can become a non-issue. Of course, the key is maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which can be more comfortable with regular meditation and vitamin supplements like Magic Mind. Overcoming brain fog and improving your brain function isn't as hard as it seems. It just takes a little motivation.
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